Tis the Season for Giving at The Lodge
The Christmas season is well and truly upon us and we’re certainly looking forward to it after such a challenging 2020! This year has been so difficult for many, and the charity sector has been hit particularly hard by Covid-19. It’s more important than ever for us to do our bit to help.
Our chosen charities
We’re proud to support our two chosen charities. Choose Love is a charity putting love into action all over the world, and Demelza provides local hospice care for children and their families. We have made a donation to both charities on behalf of our Little Lodgers.
The Founder and CEO of Choose Love sent a heartfelt thank you emphasising what a difference every donation makes:
“This is our sixth winter since the organisation began and I can say, hand on heart, the needs on the ground have never been so great. The emergency context, compounded with Covid, lack of global funding/awareness and the ever-increasing hostile environment for displaced people means your donation will literally save lives.”
Likewise, closer to home, we received a lovely message from the Demelza team:
“We are so grateful that the Little Lodgers and all at The Lodge have continued to support us despite such a difficult year for everyone. Your donation has come through at a time when many charities, Demelza included, are facing loss in income. We are reliant on our local community, more than ever to help raise the money that keeps our Hospices going, providing vital end of life care to children, and supporting their families. We are gearing up to deliver the best possible Christmas for our families.”
We are very proud of our Little Lodgers’ association with both of these incredible charities.
Let’s help build a hunger-free future
This year, we’ve also launched an appeal to support our local Trussell Trust foodbank in their initiative to build a hunger-free future. They are in need of basic store cupboard food and staples, as well as non-food goods such as toiletries and hygiene products (no fresh produce or cooked food please). To find a full list of what you can donate, please click here.
If you would like to drop off any donations to The Lodge, we’ll deliver them to our local Trussell Trust depot. Thank you for your generous support so far – the pile of goods is already growing in our entrance hallway. With your help, we know we can turn it into a mountain!
To enquire about a place, or arrange a tour, simply get in touch!
Call us on 020 8249 3052